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Ocean Floor

As the man descended deeper, reaching the seafloor, the pressure became almost unbearable. He planned on only staying for a minute to gaze at the beautiful coral reefs surrounding him. As he stabilized his buoyancy levels with his weights, he noticed a school of mesmerizing fish swim past him. He felt as light as a feather floating peacefully just above the seafloor. As he came to his senses, he proceeded to release the weights, letting his feet hit the sandy ocean floor. The man shone his waterproof flashlight at the reefs below him, his jaw dropping in amazement as he caught the electrifying glimpse of a Moray eel sneaking behind Antipathes. The taste of salt water was overpowering as it invaded his pallet. The water starts to churn around him in quick strokes. He started hyperventilating, fearing what was above him. He tasted the oxygen in his tank as it shot into his lungs, slowly juttering him into the realization that he was 130 feet below the surface with only minutes of oxygen; not enough to surface him. His goggles started to fog up as he was so panicked. The churning got louder as it continued to near him. A hand abruptly met his shoulder, making the diver look up in surprise; only to find one of his team members signaling him to hold the rope. It was only seconds until he took the rope in his hands, the crew member following his lead. A rough tug from above, straightened the rope and started to make bubbles as they ascended upwards. His tank gave out, making him wheeze, along with the reoccurring pain of his ears adapting to the change in water pressure. This was all he could remember before he had passed out due to exhaustion and a minor injury to his wrist from the rope that pulled at it. Something that was so peaceful turned into a disaster in a minute, yet to this day, the diver looks back with good memories of his first individual dive

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